Category: Law Firm Operations

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conference room
Matter Management

How Relationships Can Propel Your Practice

Practicing law is more than advocating for clients by appearing in court, negotiating and preparing contracts or signing papers. The key to running a successful firm is managing and developing the business. Certainly, being a knowledgeable and highly-skilled attorney is essential to attracting and retaining clients, but it takes more

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email smart suggest
Law Firm Operations

Who is Francine McGillicuddy and why is she writing to me?

Have you ever received an email from someone and couldn’t quite put your finger on who they were? Did you later find out that the email contact was a member of the case that you are working on? Your firm is consistently dealing with cases, clients, and other related individuals

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LEDES Electronic Invoices for Law Firms UTMBS
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Electronic / LEDES Invoices with UTBMS Codes

Every day there is more evidence that in order to stay competitive, lawyers need to harness technology to streamline their processes. The more sophisticated the client, the less tolerance they have for inefficiency. In our never ending quest to provide the right tools for law firms, CARET Legal is thrilled

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ways to get more client referrals for your law firm
Law Firm Operations

5 Tips on Getting More Client Referrals for Your Law Firm

As much as marketing will improve your law firm’s ability to build clientele, nothing is as valuable to bringing in prequalified clients than a referral from an outside source. Whether this source is a former client, another attorney, or a close friend or family member, the benefits of sitting down

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Three way reconciliation report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Client Trust Funds & Three-Way Reconciliation Report

As an attorney, there are no shortage of minefields that can land you in hot water. While many of the dangers that lurk can be subjective or unavoidable, failing an audit of client trust funds is one that consistently strikes fear into one’s heart. Yet, keeping your trust funds in

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woman on her laptop working on Notes feature in CARET Legal
Law Firm Operations

Say Goodbye to Sticky Notes

Freakonomics Radio recently did a really interesting podcast about handwriting. During the episode, they talked to regular people and experts about the pros and cons of moving from a pen and paper society to a digital one. Here at CARET Legal, we have an on-going debate about pen and paper

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Revenue by Referral Source report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Do you know the “Current Truth” of your practice?

If you can’t get a real-time, 360-degree overview of your practice and its finances, you have little more than your intuition to help you make smart strategic decisions. This 360-degree knowledge is the “current truth” that informs you about your firm’s financial position and overall productivity. The trouble is, unlike

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Is your new hire on track billboard on bus stop
Law Firm Operations

Is Your New Hire On Track?

You are ambitious. You want your law firm to grow from an all-consuming practice to a thriving business. But how? Once you realize that your time is better spent doing those things you can’t offload – namely, enhancing your knowledge and reputation in your practice area and cultivating relationships with

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