Category: Billing, Payments & Accounting

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Matter Management

Meeting Legal Client Expectations Regarding Technology

Today’s legal clients demand high-quality service from their attorneys, particularly regarding technology. Using the latest legal technology typically makes an attorney more efficient, accurate and productive, resulting in happier clients and more time to do what they are trained to do: practice law.

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person working on their calendar
Law Firm Operations

Attorney Organization Tips

Attorneys work in a very high-stress environment and oftentimes feel they must always be the expert in the room. Embracing organization can not only make repetitive tasks more efficient, but also reduce stress. Well-organized attorneys will take advantage of the ability to automate many daily tasks. Being organized is not

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person using a calculator
Law Firm Operations

Time, Billing and Payments: How to Streamline Them in Your Law Firm

Billing is an integral part of running the business that is your law practice. That’s why having legal practice management software with robust billing and accounting features is so important to day-to-day operations of your law firm, and for staying competitive in an ever-evolving legal industry.

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person working from home and journaling
Law Firm Operations

Start 2023 Off Right with a Realistic Remote Strategy

Let’s face it: remote work is here to stay. It doesn’t matter if you’re going into an office every day or meeting in-person with colleagues a few days a week; remote work will always be a fallback for many industries, especially the legal industry. With this thought in mind, optimizing

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person on their laptop using their legal practice management platform
Law Firm Operations

Redefining Automation: How to Automate Your Law Practice

Automation can be defined in many ways by many industries; however, it doesn’t always have to apply to complex procedures like robotic process automation (RPA) or “advanced tasks.” In law firms, automation is frequently defined as using software to automate tedious and repetitive tasks to get work done faster and more

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law practice management software on a computer screen in a home office
Matter Management

How Cloud-Based Apps Prepare Firms for Hybrid Work

We, as professionals, have been working remotely for years, long before the pandemic. Attorneys and paralegals have been emailing work home to themselves forever – despite IT’s pleas to not do that (you know who you are). The hybrid work environment is not new. What is new, however, is the

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