Tag: Task Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

woman on computer with notepad
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Why CARET Legal is Even Better Suited for the Less Tech-Savvy Lawyer

The idea that legal technology could be better suited for the less tech-savvy lawyer sounds counterintuitive. The truth is that CARET Legal, next generation legal practice management software, provides lawyers who are less familiar with technology with a leg up. This is due in part to the fact that law

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glowing bulb among unlit bulbs
Matter Management

Getting Your Legal Team to Buy Into TQM

“All anyone asks for is a chance to work with pride” – William Edwards Deming

The principles of total quality management (TQM), spearheaded by William Edwards Deming decades ago, continue to be exceptional tools for practicing attorneys. Given the competitive landscape currently facing the legal community, it is essential for

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CARET Legal task management
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Task Management – Streamlining Your Firm’s Workflow

What are the unique steps your firm takes to complete tasks?

By now you’ve processed hundreds of new clients. You perform the same steps for every new client, but have no way of knowing their status in the process. With all the work you have on your plate, there is

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woman on her laptop working on Notes feature in CARET Legal
Law Firm Operations

Say Goodbye to Sticky Notes

Freakonomics Radio recently did a really interesting podcast about handwriting. During the episode, they talked to regular people and experts about the pros and cons of moving from a pen and paper society to a digital one. Here at CARET Legal, we have an on-going debate about pen and paper

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Is your new hire on track billboard on bus stop
Law Firm Operations

Is Your New Hire On Track?

You are ambitious. You want your law firm to grow from an all-consuming practice to a thriving business. But how? Once you realize that your time is better spent doing those things you can’t offload – namely, enhancing your knowledge and reputation in your practice area and cultivating relationships with

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CARET Legal email client
Law Firm Operations

Email & Practice Management Done Right

The primary objective of adopting a practice management solution is to enhance efficiency, establish organization and promote collaboration. While legal practice management (LPM) vendors offer a number of features to meet these objectives, virtually all fail to incorporate email capabilities. This omission serves to seriously hamstring these applications because email

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