Tag: Legal Billing

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woman sitting at a laptop while writing on a legal notepad
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Best Techniques For Reviewing Revenue and Expenses

Law firm leaders understand the concept and importance of profitability. Nevertheless, in many practices, expenses and revenue are not reviewed on a regular basis. While your firm may be focused on other aspects of maintaining business, it is imperative that steps are taken to ensure your firm continuously reviews its

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woman on the phone
Law Firm Operations

Owning Your Paralegal Superpower

As you know all-too-well, the hallmark traits of a perfect paralegal are detail-oriented, organized, and efficient. On the days when your self-confidence is waning (we all have them), you may think that your semi-administrative role is designed only to serve and support. You may believe that you cannot play a

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paralegals gathered together in a meeting
Law Firm Operations

How Paralegals Promote Productivity by Terminating Tedious Tasks

Just because you’re a few rungs from the top of your law firm’s ladder doesn’t mean that you cannot make a significant contribution. Outside of your ordinary course of duties, paralegals like you are often tasked with assisting legal leaders with special assignments, such as preparing preliminary research on making

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workflow automation
Law Firm Operations

Legal Workflow Automation Improves Processes That Propel Profitability

Automating everything from intake to invoice gives your firm the best opportunity to thrive. Those who do not embrace legal technology will soon struggle to survive. Firms that become operationally efficient, work smarter, and deliver superior client-facing resources will outpace those who continue to rely on paper-based methods, no matter

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