Tag: Reporting

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

law firm compensating model
Law Firm Operations

What’s the Right Law Firm Compensation Model for Your Firm

As a law firm owner, selecting the right compensation model is a critical decision that can significantly impact your firm’s success. The perfect model can attract top talent, motivate your team, foster a cooperative culture, and drive your firm’s profitability. With a variety of law firm compensation models to choose

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appellate court
Law Firm Operations

Why Litigation Firms Need An Appellate Case Management System

Managing appellate cases can be an overwhelming task because of the unique complexities involved. Luckily there’s a solution that simplifies the process. An appellate case management system is a tool that can make a significant difference in a law firm’s operations, helping navigate these challenges effortlessly. Let’s explore these challenges

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Law firm technology trends
Law Firm Operations

2024 Law Firm Technology Trends to Be Aware Of

Several legal technology trends are set to reshape how law firms operate. These trends, from artificial intelligence (AI) to remote depositions and digital reporting, promise to streamline operations, enhance service delivery, and even change the way we approach litigation.

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legal office discussing
Matter Management

What Law Firm Technology Do You Really Need?

Law firm technology can be…overwhelming. It’s hard to know just what capabilities your firm needs versus ones that aren’t high priority. Let’s break down the features of law firm technology and highlight the essentials that can revolutionize your practice.

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Attorney and team improving their legal case management workflows
Law Firm Operations

How to Improve Your Legal Case Management Workflow

Automating your legal case management workflows can improve efficiency, productivity, and client satisfaction. From assessing your current workflows to implementing legal task management software and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, these strategies will empower your law office to optimize processes, enhance communication, and achieve better outcomes. By implementing these

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group of attorneys discussing law firm realization rate
Reporting & Analytics

How to Improve Your Law Firm Realization Rate

Your law firm’s realization rate is a key performance indicator that should be used to inform strategic decision-making and contribute to the overall success and stability of your firm. Improving your law firm’s realization rate can be achieved by employing a few effective strategies: accurate time tracking and billing, regular

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Attorney overcoming law firm challenges at work
Law Firm Operations

Addressing Law Firm Challenges with Legal Practice Management Software

Improving realization rates, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring client satisfaction are all common law firm challenges that can be easily addressed with legal practice management software (LPMS). A LPMS automates many manual processes that hinder a firm’s progress and profitability. By adopting a legal practice management software, your firm can streamline

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