Tag: Reporting

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

work from home essentials such as a computer, phone, cup of coffee
Matter Management

Work-From-Home Tech Essentials

During our recent ALA webcast, The Flexible Law Firm: Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?, there were dozens of questions around technology solutions required for successful implementation of a work-from-home program. You need the right devices, the right processes and the right software that enforce

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woman typing on her computer at her kitchen table
Law Firm Operations

Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?

A work-from-home policy presents many benefits and drawbacks for a modern law firm. With a virtual law office, your firm will save on monthly rent costs and is likely to experience less employee turnover. However, remotely participating in meetings with clients and employees can be challenging when employees must rely

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group of people at a meeting looking at charts and metrics
Law Firm Operations

The New Business Development Mantra That All Law Firms Should Live By

“A-B-C. A, always; B, be; C, closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!”

Made popular by Alec Baldwin’s character in “Glengarry Glen Ross,” it’s a line that’s all too familiar to salespeople and rainmakers. With greater access to data, however, there’s a new mantra that should be leveraged by all those

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Team working together in a group meeting
Matter Management

Transform Your Practice by Becoming a Deming Disciple

The practice of law is complicated. A single case can involve multiple attorneys, dozens of files and hundreds of interactions among a law firm, clients, opposing counsel and courts. Given the vast scope of moving parts and operations of a legal matter, it is ripe for business process optimization.

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businessman stacking blocks on top of eachother
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Building Better Client Relationships with a Trust Accounting System

Does your firm rely on a bookkeeping service to manage your books? Have you experienced data syncing issues or do you have concerns that your provider doesn’t have sufficient experience to manage your books in compliance with your state bar’s client trust (IOLTA) rules and regulations? If so, then it’s

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Work in progress report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Work in Progress – is it worth it, now you know…

There are so many benefits to keeping track of your time: efficiency, organization, and responsibility. Once you figure out where specifically you are spending your time, you can then determine where improvements in your time management need to be made. Budgeting your time and allotting more time for higher priority

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gift box
Law Firm Operations

Show Your Clients Some Love: Invoice Level Discounts

As an attorney, you are trained to keep track of every minute and bill accordingly. But what if you decide that you don’t want to bill your client for the extra time it has taken your new associate to research a topic related to their case? Or perhaps you’re feeling

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Three way reconciliation report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Client Trust Funds & Three-Way Reconciliation Report

As an attorney, there are no shortage of minefields that can land you in hot water.   While many of the dangers that lurk can be subjective or unavoidable, failing an audit of client trust funds is one that consistently strikes fear into one’s heart.  Yet, keeping your trust funds in

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