Tag: Legal Billing

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

CARET Legal Timekeeping Goals on Laptop Screen
Matter Management

Top CARET Legal Releases of 2020

Each year, the CARET Legal development team releases hundreds of updates and dozens of new features to help law firms be more efficient and profitable. While it can be difficult to narrow down our list of favorites, CARET Legal users have spoken, and based on their feedback, we’re pleased to

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People congregating over paperwork on a desk
Law Firm Operations

Ask the Experts: How Was the Legal Industry Transformed in 2020?

It’s safe to say that 2020 threw us all a curveball. Despite the hardships this year brought, the legal industry rose to the challenge, adapting operations and offering new services to help clients through these unprecedented times. We asked CARET Legal partners to share some of the trends they witnessed

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Calculator and binder being used in front of a laptop and monitor
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Controlling Receivables

Controlling receivables directly affects a firm’s financial health. Therefore, it is imperative that a law firm has an organized and detailed method for collecting client payments in a timely manner.

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Stacks of papers being sorted on a desk next to a laptop and potted plant
Matter Management

Stuck in Neutral: Five Reasons Firms Fail to Scale

Has your firm’s growth stalled? Are you struggling to scale your operations or your team?

It’s often hard to pinpoint one reason why a firm seems to be stuck in neutral, cruising along but not accelerating. The cause is often a combination of things ranging from ineffective teams and poor processes

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woman on a conference call on her computer
Document Management

How to Foster Collaboration in Law Firms While Working Remotely

Knowing how to foster collaboration in law firms is critical for successfully managing your firm. Clients expect their attorneys to address increasingly complex issues that cross areas of expertise and jurisdictions. Continuing to adhere to monolithic models and approaches will result in frustrated and unsatisfied clients, and ultimately less revenue.

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Clock image overlapping someone on the computer billing for time
Law Firm Operations

How To Increase Billable Hours

There are only so many hours in a day and a finite period of time to work. Therefore, the questions remain: How can billable hours and productivity be increased? How can a timekeeper increase productivity? How can a timekeeper feel more confident about the billable time recorded?

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