Legal professionals use a wide variety of tools and methods for tracking time spent on billable matters. Some are sophisticated, while others are more problematic and error-prone; for example, lawyers who use giant spreadsheets that are updated at the end of each day or week or sticky notes to jot down each task by hand. These antiquated, and inefficient, methods result in reduced amount of captured billable hours with corresponding loss of revenue. They also make it harder for firm admins to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
Within CARET Legal, not only can users track billable hours with ease and generate reports to better understand their personal productivity, but firm admins can also set and track billable hours and/or total billing goals for members of their firm with Timekeeper Goal Tracking. This feature includes data visualizations, which can be accessed in the Reports section of CARET Legal, making it easy to see who in your firm is meeting expectations and who is falling behind. Metrics can also be viewed on year to date, prior month and prior week’s progress toward those goals.

Available in the latest update to the Timekeeper Goals page, a dedicated page now helps firm leaders quickly create, edit and delete Timekeeper Goals, further increasing efficiency.

To see how CARET Legal’s timekeeping goals can help your firm increase efficiency, schedule a demo today.