Tag: Legal Accounting

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Team members discussing how to upgrade their firm's technology
Matter Management

Investing in Major Technological Upgrades

Law firms throughout the world are currently operating in unprecedented times due to COVID-19. In response, many firms have found ways to become innovative and flexible. One of the biggest adjustments for law firms has been learning to work remotely and support hybrid teams. Working remotely is not new, but

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Law firm accounting
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Law Firm Accounting: It Is Not the Same!!!
(Part 2)

Last week, we explored several key elements of legal accounting that differ from general small business accounting, looking at cash basis vs. accrual, account types and costs advanced. In this article, we’ll explore trust accounting which is arguably the most intricate, and ultimately error-prone, component of legal accounting.

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Law firm accounting
Law Firm Operations

Law Firm Accounting: It’s Not the Same

Your accountant may be great at handling small business accounting, but you need to be sure your accountant understands the differences between law firm accounting and other small business accounting requirements. It is your responsibility to make sure your books are correct.

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Migrating data into a law practice management platform
Law Firm Operations

Migrating to a New LPM: How Much Data Should You Move?

Congratulations! Your firm has decided to move to a new practice management, billing or accounting platform. You have gone through the analysis, made a selection, and now comes the big question – What data should be brought over to the new application?

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Lawyer recording her billable hours for the month
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Productivity and Profitability: Thinking Beyond the Billable Hour

How do you measure productivity and predict profitability?

With time-based billing, the simplest way is billable hours. How many hours can (and should) timekeepers work in a period of time and how many of the worked hours are billable? If we assume only two weeks of vacation per year and a

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Three coworkers working on the firm's trust accounting
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Trust Accounting Software 101

It’s important to keep bar association regulations in mind and ultimately choose a platform that will make compliance efforts more efficient. All law firms are required to maintain accounting records for client funds deposited in trust accounts. Finding the right software solution to assist with the necessary record-keeping for those

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Woman with a face mask in an empty office
Matter Management

Returning to the Office – the New Normal

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted normal business life currently and for the foreseeable future. “Business as usual” is no longer a realistic expectation. We should expect a new normal once people are permitted to reoccupy their office space.

What should law firms do to ensure their employees’ safety and make

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Person writing out a check
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Minimizing Write-Offs and Maximizing Profits

Law firms cannot escape uncollectible fees and unrecoverable costs. Fees and disbursements that are not paid by a client have a direct effect on the firm’s profitability. Most service industries report income based on the cash method of accounting. As a result, income is recorded only when received. The only

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