Tag: Legal Accounting

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Three way reconciliation report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Client Trust Funds & Three-Way Reconciliation Report

As an attorney, there are no shortage of minefields that can land you in hot water.   While many of the dangers that lurk can be subjective or unavoidable, failing an audit of client trust funds is one that consistently strikes fear into one’s heart.  Yet, keeping your trust funds in

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Revenue by Referral Source report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Do you know the “Current Truth” of your practice?

If you can’t get a real-time, 360-degree overview of your practice and its finances, you have little more than your intuition to help you make smart strategic decisions. This 360-degree knowledge is the “current truth” that informs you about your firm’s financial position and overall productivity. The trouble is, unlike

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CARET Legal mobile application
Law Firm Operations

We Love Everything About Spring… Except the Time Change

The weather’s getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and Cadbury’s famous eggs are back on the store shelves! Spring is truly in the air! Everyone here at CARET Legal is excited to see the seasons start to change, except for one thing – Daylight Savings. Sometimes it seems like

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