Tag: Case Management

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Individuals walking through a conference
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Our Vision Has Never Been Clearer

This week, our team is heading to Chicago for ABA TECHSHOW. Every year, we look forward to this event: tech-loving legal professionals, interesting sessions, and countless product announcements, all make for a wonderful three days. This year is even more special, it’s CARET Legal’s fifth anniversary! That’s right, we officially

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NetDocuments module within CARET Legal
Matter Management

CARET Legal Announces NetDocuments Integration

It’s official —CARET Legal has released its NetDocuments integration!

With this new partnership, users can access documents stored within NetDocuments right from CARET Legal, eliminating the need to hop between platforms. Here’s how it works…

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CARET Legal certified partners at Zummit
Matter Management

Meet CARET Legal’s First Class of Certified Consultants

Last week, we welcomed partners from around the country to our Inaugural Partnership Zummit for three days of learning, networking and exclusive feature announcements. During the event, we held our first Certification Trainings, teaching partners all of the ins and outs of CARET Legal and sharing best practices for implementation.

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CARET Legal Email feature
Billing, Payments & Accounting

The Elusive Zero Inbox

The average person spends 28% of the workweek reading and responding to email.

With so much of one’s day spent on this task, it should come as no surprise that numerous studies have shown that email can lead to anxiety. One of the major causes of this stress: it feels

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work from home essentials such as a computer, phone, cup of coffee
Matter Management

Work-From-Home Tech Essentials

During our recent ALA webcast, The Flexible Law Firm: Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?, there were dozens of questions around technology solutions required for successful implementation of a work-from-home program. You need the right devices, the right processes and the right software that enforce

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woman typing on her computer at her kitchen table
Law Firm Operations

Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?

A work-from-home policy presents many benefits and drawbacks for a modern law firm. With a virtual law office, your firm will save on monthly rent costs and is likely to experience less employee turnover. However, remotely participating in meetings with clients and employees can be challenging when employees must rely

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