Tag: Case Management

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Law Firm Operations

How Legal Professionals Are Currently Using AI Today

Artificial Intelligence (AI), at its core, is about creating intelligent systems that perform and/or expedite tasks that are traditionally manual and time-intensive. In law firms, AI has been particularly impactful by making document management and analysis processes more efficient. 

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Law Firm Operations

Why Generic ERP Systems Don’t Work for Law Firms Anymore

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have long been touted as the one-size-fits-all solution for managing business processes. But, for large law firms, the limitations of ERP systems are becoming increasingly apparent, and many are switching to legal practice management platforms.

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Law Firm Operations

How Does Rules-Based Calendaring Actually Work?

A rules-based calendar is a powerful tool that brings a new level of efficiency, accuracy, and peace of mind to your legal practice. It’s an investment that pays for itself many times over in the value it adds to your firm.

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