Tag: Case Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Side view of someone working on a laptop
Matter Management

Taking Tasks Out Of Email

As a lawyer, you start off your work day by checking your emails. You see one regarding a task that needs to be done, so you forward the message to your legal assistant. You then receive a reply with questions regarding the task. You reply, and so begins a long

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Worldox integration on laptop screen
Matter Management

Worldox Comes to CARET Legal!

Since breaking with tradition and starting the next-generation cloud practice management movement (what we refer to as Cloud LPM 2.0) nearly six years ago, CARET Legal has helped tens of thousands of legal professionals work more efficiently, creating a synergistic solution that helps rid firms of disjointed applications for matter

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Settlement Statement on Laptop Screen
Matter Management

Specialized Practice Management Tools for Personal Injury Law Firms

Personal injury cases are complex and so, too, are the workflows involved in managing them. CARET Legal’s Suite’s end-to-end practice management platform is loaded with specialized tools that help personal injury firms streamline processes, increase productivity and maximize profitability. CARET Legal’s Settlement Management tools enable firms to efficiently manage settlement

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People congregating over paperwork on a desk
Law Firm Operations

Ask the Experts: How Was the Legal Industry Transformed in 2020?

It’s safe to say that 2020 threw us all a curveball. Despite the hardships this year brought, the legal industry rose to the challenge, adapting operations and offering new services to help clients through these unprecedented times. We asked CARET Legal partners to share some of the trends they witnessed

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Calculator and binder being used in front of a laptop and monitor
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Controlling Receivables

Controlling receivables directly affects a firm’s financial health. Therefore, it is imperative that a law firm has an organized and detailed method for collecting client payments in a timely manner.

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People sitting on a couch while using different electronic devices
Law Firm Operations

Social Media Communications & Your Law Firm

Social media has quickly become a preferred way to communicate with one another. The pandemic has made it an even more necessary form of communication. Today, law firms are taking advantage of these platforms as well. For many practices, these social media platforms have become the new reception area. To

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woman on a conference call on her computer
Document Management

How to Foster Collaboration in Law Firms While Working Remotely

Knowing how to foster collaboration in law firms is critical for successfully managing your firm. Clients expect their attorneys to address increasingly complex issues that cross areas of expertise and jurisdictions. Continuing to adhere to monolithic models and approaches will result in frustrated and unsatisfied clients, and ultimately less revenue.

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