Tag: Case Management

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woman typing on a laptop
Law Firm Operations

Hybrid Work Environments

In today’s workplace, 65% of employees are looking for another job. To compete for the best employees, employers must remain current, providing a quality, forward-thinking work environment which includes hybrid work options. Prior to the pandemic, law firms allowed only exempt employees (lawyers and professionals) to work remotely, and then

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legal technology adoption
Law Firm Operations

The Key to Legal Technology Adoption at Your Firm

The legal sector’s adoption of new technology has always been slow and conservative, for good reason. Attorneys have many considerations that other businesses do not have, such as privilege, compliance, confidentiality, and security. Training your firm’s employees on new technology is difficult to get right, but powerful when done correctly.

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Two IT professionals looking at computer screens with coding on them
Matter Management

The Human Side of SOC 2: It’s About More Than Just Technology

All organizations – particularly those that outsource crucial business operations to third-party technology businesses and SaaS companies – must ensure that their data is handled properly, protecting customers from data theft, extortion, and malware attacks. Service Organization Control 2 (SOC 2) provides a framework to help stakeholders ensure that vendors

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person working on their calculator
Law Firm Operations

Pricing Legal Services As Your Firm Grows and Expands

Since the beginning of the 21st century, law firm pricing has evolved significantly. Clients demanded alternatives to the billable hour, and firms responded by introducing new pricing models for their existing services, including fixed fee structures, capped fees, partial contingency arrangements and fixed monthly budgets, among others. Pricing firm services,

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