Tag: Calendar

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

employee videochatting with her team
Matter Management

Effective Collaboration in Today’s Law Practice

In the new normal since the Coronavirus, it is expected that 80% of lawyers and professionals will do some work via their smartphones. This statistic is indicative of a trend that we expect to continue for many years to come — the legal industry, like so many others, must embrace

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Migrating data into a law practice management platform
Law Firm Operations

Migrating to a New LPM: How Much Data Should You Move?

Congratulations! Your firm has decided to move to a new practice management, billing or accounting platform. You have gone through the analysis, made a selection, and now comes the big question – What data should be brought over to the new application?

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Three coworkers working on the firm's trust accounting
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Trust Accounting Software 101

It’s important to keep bar association regulations in mind and ultimately choose a platform that will make compliance efforts more efficient. All law firms are required to maintain accounting records for client funds deposited in trust accounts. Finding the right software solution to assist with the necessary record-keeping for those

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the transition to a new legal practice management system
Law Firm Operations

Transitioning to a New LPM? Don’t Get Stuck in the Past

Change is never easy, but often necessary to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced environment. Firms should regularly review how things are done and look for ways to improve. An especially good time to do this is when implementing new law practice management (LPM) software. Firms that cling to outdated or

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person working efficiently at their computer
Matter Management

Tips for Successfully Migrating Your Law Firm’s Data

If you were an early adopter of a practice management solution for your firm, chances are it may have been before cloud computing had taken off. If your firm is one of many still using a legacy practice management application, you may be forced to move to a new platform

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work from home essentials such as a computer, phone, cup of coffee
Matter Management

Work-From-Home Tech Essentials

During our recent ALA webcast, The Flexible Law Firm: Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?, there were dozens of questions around technology solutions required for successful implementation of a work-from-home program. You need the right devices, the right processes and the right software that enforce

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woman typing on her computer at her kitchen table
Law Firm Operations

Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?

A work-from-home policy presents many benefits and drawbacks for a modern law firm. With a virtual law office, your firm will save on monthly rent costs and is likely to experience less employee turnover. However, remotely participating in meetings with clients and employees can be challenging when employees must rely

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women clearing off her desk
Law Firm Operations

Does Your Practice Management Software Spark Joy?

Inspired by the latest Netflix binge craze, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo,” millions of Americans are decluttering. In the series, organizing expert Kondo travels to homes of stressed-out Americans to help them discard items that no longer spark joy and organize their living spaces in a meaningful way. Kondo contends

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lawyer on his mobile phone
Matter Management

Old-School Lawyer Problems Resolved with New-School Technology

We can all clearly picture a lawyer that has been in practice for decades. They are trapped behind a desk piled high with client files, various documents, and correspondence long needed to be sorted and filed. They complain that they can’t ever find what they are looking for in the

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