A blog about making space for what matters

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

CARET Legal task management
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Task Management – Streamlining Your Firm’s Workflow

What are the unique steps your firm takes to complete tasks?

By now you’ve processed hundreds of new clients. You perform the same steps for every new client, but have no way of knowing their status in the process. With all the work you have on your plate, there is no

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Work in progress report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Work in Progress – is it worth it, now you know…

There are so many benefits to keeping track of your time: efficiency, organization, and responsibility. Once you figure out where specifically you are spending your time, you can then determine where improvements in your time management need to be made. Budgeting your time and allotting more time for higher priority

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CARET Legal is in the cloud
Matter Management

Making Your Move to “The Cloud”

Unless you’ve been living off the grid, by now you’ve most likely heard the term that has been catching fire around the world: “the cloud.” But what is it exactly and how are these “tech-savvy” people using it? As it turns out, you are probably using “the cloud” on a

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helmet safety
Matter Management

All Of Your Client Data Is In The Cloud … Is This Safe?

At long last, the legal sector is getting with the program. Adoption of legal technology is on the rise. Lawyers are starting to use legal practice management software to enhance the productivity of their practices. With cloud-based applications, lawyers can easily store and access all of their legal documents and

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gift box
Law Firm Operations

Show Your Clients Some Love: Invoice Level Discounts

As an attorney, you are trained to keep track of every minute and bill accordingly. But what if you decide that you don’t want to bill your client for the extra time it has taken your new associate to research a topic related to their case? Or perhaps you’re feeling

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email module in CARET Legal
Law Firm Operations

How to Avoid the Perils of Auto-Complete

Have you ever woken up from a late night panic wondering if you sent an email to the right Susan?

It’s a busy Friday afternoon. You have so many emails to get to before you go away for the weekend (which you’ve been looking forward to all week). There are

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conference room
Matter Management

How Relationships Can Propel Your Practice

Practicing law is more than advocating for clients by appearing in court, negotiating and preparing contracts or signing papers. The key to running a successful firm is managing and developing the business. Certainly, being a knowledgeable and highly-skilled attorney is essential to attracting and retaining clients, but it takes more

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email smart suggest
Law Firm Operations

Who is Francine McGillicuddy and why is she writing to me?

Have you ever received an email from someone and couldn’t quite put your finger on who they were? Did you later find out that the email contact was a member of the case that you are working on? Your firm is consistently dealing with cases, clients, and other related individuals

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