A blog about making space for what matters

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CARET Legal Email feature
Billing, Payments & Accounting

The Elusive Zero Inbox

The average person spends 28% of the workweek reading and responding to email.

With so much of one’s day spent on this task, it should come as no surprise that numerous studies have shown that email can lead to anxiety. One of the major causes of this stress: it feels like

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work from home essentials such as a computer, phone, cup of coffee
Matter Management

Work-From-Home Tech Essentials

During our recent ALA webcast, The Flexible Law Firm: Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?, there were dozens of questions around technology solutions required for successful implementation of a work-from-home program. You need the right devices, the right processes and the right software that enforce

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woman typing on her computer at her kitchen table
Law Firm Operations

Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?

A work-from-home policy presents many benefits and drawbacks for a modern law firm. With a virtual law office, your firm will save on monthly rent costs and is likely to experience less employee turnover. However, remotely participating in meetings with clients and employees can be challenging when employees must rely

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healthy lifestyle
Law Firm Operations

How Lawyers Can Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle While Staying Busy

Firms have an intrinsic motivation to create cultures that embrace wellness. When employees take care of themselves, firms incur less medical costs associated with health conditions related to stress, obesity, and more. In fact, every $1 invested in wellness programs saves $3 in healthcare costs for corporations. Employees benefit too; those

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legal software hub
Law Firm Operations

The Power of a Platform: Why Your Corporate Legal Team Needs a Legal Hub

According to The Legal Executive Institute’s 2018 State of Corporate Law Departments: Innovation, Data and Collaboration Drive Optimal Results, one goal of a modern and proactive corporate legal team should be “to maximize shareholder value by driving up the effectiveness and efficiency of legal input to maximum return.”

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group of people at a meeting looking at charts and metrics
Law Firm Operations

The New Business Development Mantra That All Law Firms Should Live By

“A-B-C. A, always; B, be; C, closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!”

Made popular by Alec Baldwin’s character in “Glengarry Glen Ross,” it’s a line that’s all too familiar to salespeople and rainmakers. With greater access to data, however, there’s a new mantra that should be leveraged by all those

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lawyers at a legal tech conference
Document Management

It’s Officially TECHSHOW Time!

Next week, legal technology providers from around the world will come together in Chicago for ABA TECHSHOW. It’s always an exciting time of year with big feature announcements being made in the days leading up to the event. At CARET Legal, we don’t just make product updates to get in

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