Category: Law Firm Operations

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group of employees holding laptops and papers
Law Firm Operations

Retaining Talent in Your Law Firm

Due to recent events, most law firm employees and employers are re-evaluating their current positions and work environments. Overall, law firms have weathered the COVID storm better than originally expected.

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someone typing on a calculator with papers and bills in front of them
Law Firm Operations

Flat Fee Practices Should Still Track Time

In a flat fee arrangement, a law firm provides specific services to a client for a specified fee, no matter how many hours the attorneys spend performing those services. The legal fees are decided before the work is undertaken, making billing more manageable and reducing attorneys’ pressure to achieve billable

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hand holding Getting Things Done Book in front of the CARET Legal Logo
Law Firm Operations

“Stress-Free Productivity” in Your Law Firm

As a lawyer or legal professional, you are well aware of the pressure to stay productive in order to tackle the never-ending tasks that seem to grow with each passing day. David Allen discusses what it means to be productive without being in a constant state of stress in his

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payment apps on a phone
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Can I Venmo You? How to Enhance Client Service as Payment Preferences Evolve

Law firm clients increasingly favor the modern convenience and enhanced security of digital payments over paper checks. As this trend continues to accelerate, the payment options law firms offer will significantly impact clients’ choice of firms to hire. Read on to learn how enabling electronic payments through ACH bank transfers

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calculator and pen on top of papers
Law Firm Operations

Law Firm Budgets and Forecasts 101

No business owner wants to deal with a financial emergency due to lack of planning. In order to monitor how a firm is doing financially year to year, every law firm should maintain an internal budget/forecast. A budget/forecast report provides the owner a monthly snapshot of how the firm is

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