Tag: Timekeeping

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lawyer ensuring accurate legal billing
Law Firm Operations

How to Ensure Accurate Legal Billing at Your Firm

Accurate billing is intertwined with your firm’s profitability, the trust you build with clients, the ethical standards you uphold, and the efficiency of your resources. Missteps in billing can ignite disputes, dent your revenue, tarnish your firm’s reputation, and hinder effective resource management. 

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lawyer billing for time
Law Firm Operations

The Attorney Billing Cheat Sheet (2024)

Billing clients is a critical aspect of an attorney’s role, not just for the obvious reason of revenue generation, but also for demonstrating the value of their services, ensuring transparency, managing resources effectively, and fulfilling professional obligations. Accurate billing not only ensures attorneys are fairly compensated for their work, but

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Attorney overcoming law firm challenges at work
Law Firm Operations

Addressing Law Firm Challenges with Legal Practice Management Software

Improving realization rates, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring client satisfaction are all common law firm challenges that can be easily addressed with legal practice management software (LPMS). A LPMS automates many manual processes that hinder a firm’s progress and profitability. By adopting a legal practice management software, your firm can streamline

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attorney using time tracking software
Law Firm Operations

Attorney Time Tracking Software Makes Law Firm Accounting Easier

Poor time tracking negatively impacts law firm financials by causing lost billable hours, inaccurate billing, reduced efficiency, incomplete client records, and hindering profitability analysis. Implementing effective time tracking systems and ensuring compliance with accurate recording practices is crucial for maintaining financial health and maximizing revenue for a law firm.

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legal process outsourcing
Law Firm Operations

The Best Alternative to Legal Process Outsourcing

Law offices often face the challenge of balancing their workload with optimizing their resources, especially since the volume of cases is always subject to normal ebbs and flows. To address this, many law firms consider legal process outsourcing as a potential solution.

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Legal administrator offering law firm management tips
Law Firm Operations

Essential Law Firm Management Tips for Thriving Practices

Effective law firm management is the backbone of any successful law firm. It’s the force that propels operations, client satisfaction, and, ultimately, business growth. When management practices are refined and implemented wisely, they yield a well-oiled legal services machine capable of overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities. Here are our favorite

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legal docketing software
Law Firm Operations

Legal Docketing Software or Practice Management System?

As you vet technology to improve your firm’s operations, you might have wondered whether you should invest in legal docketing software or a more comprehensive practice management system. While we advocate for a more robust system, it’s important to understand docketing software features, so you can make sure the legal

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attorney using time tracking software
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Time Keeps Slipping Away – the Value of Accurate Time Tracking At Your Firm

Most law firms rely on partners and associates accurately tracking billable hours to get paid for their services. However, many attorneys still use antiquated methods like paper timesheets or spreadsheet trackers to capture their time. This leads to missing billable hours, billing delays and lost revenue. By investing in attorney

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law firm accounting
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Integrated Law Firm Accounting Software Is Better Than a Generic Solution

Litigation management software is a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of a litigation firm. Whether you’re a civil practice or a criminal defense firm, litigation management tools can streamline and organize discovery management, trial preparation, case strategy development, communication, and more. 

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