Tag: Task Management

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law firm organization
Law Firm Operations

The Best Organization Tools for Lawyers 

Picture yourself walking into your office on a Monday morning. Your desk is stacked with case files, your email inbox is overflowing, and your calendar is filled with meetings, court dates, and deadlines. For most lawyers, this isn’t just a hectic day; it’s every day. But what if you could

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Attorney and team improving their legal case management workflows
Law Firm Operations

How to Improve Your Legal Case Management Workflow

Automating your legal case management workflows can improve efficiency, productivity, and client satisfaction. From assessing your current workflows to implementing legal task management software and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, these strategies will empower your law office to optimize processes, enhance communication, and achieve better outcomes. By implementing these

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Attorney using CARET Legal Workflows on a laptop
Law Firm Operations

CARET Legal Workflows Are Now Available

We know that the average working day for skilled legal professionals is extremely unbalanced with roughly 60% of time spent on work that includes searching for information, finding documents, and sitting in meetings, while just 27% of their time is actually dedicated to practicing law.

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attorney using legal workflow automation
Law Firm Operations

How To Implement Legal Workflow Automation At Your Firm

Implementing legal workflow automation eliminates the time burden of manual task completion and promotes consistency. Task management and tracking become more effective, compliance and risk mitigation are improved, client satisfaction is enhanced through streamlined processes and transparency, and data analysis and reporting provide valuable insights. It brings efficiency, standardization, and

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Legal Trial Management Software
Law Firm Operations

Why Criminal Attorneys Use Legal Trial Management Software

Legal trial management software improves organization, collaboration, communication, and efficiency in a law firm’s trial preparation and presentation. By helping attorneys and their teams stay organized, meet deadlines, and present their cases more effectively, using the correct software for your firm will ultimately enhance the chances of a successful outcome.

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legal docketing software
Law Firm Operations

Legal Docketing Software or Practice Management System?

As you vet technology to improve your firm’s operations, you might have wondered whether you should invest in legal docketing software or a more comprehensive practice management system. While we advocate for a more robust system, it’s important to understand docketing software features, so you can make sure the legal

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attorney using legal matter management software
Matter Management

Law Firm Matter Management Best Practices

Law firm matter management is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity. For legal professionals, managing cases, documents, and deadlines with precision can mean the difference between success and setbacks. The right technology can revolutionize how firm operations are handled, making the choice of legal matter management software a critical

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