Tag: Reporting

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person working on their calculator
Law Firm Operations

Pricing Legal Services As Your Firm Grows and Expands

Since the beginning of the 21st century, law firm pricing has evolved significantly. Clients demanded alternatives to the billable hour, and firms responded by introducing new pricing models for their existing services, including fixed fee structures, capped fees, partial contingency arrangements and fixed monthly budgets, among others. Pricing firm services,

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paralegals gathered together in a meeting
Law Firm Operations

How Paralegals Promote Productivity by Terminating Tedious Tasks

Just because you’re a few rungs from the top of your law firm’s ladder doesn’t mean that you cannot make a significant contribution. Outside of your ordinary course of duties, paralegals like you are often tasked with assisting legal leaders with special assignments, such as preparing preliminary research on making

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person holding receipts while using a calculator
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Controlling Expenses

The goal of all law firms is to be profitable, but achieving that goal can be difficult for some lawyers. Generating income is, obviously, the first step towards making a profit; of course, income can only be generated if billable hours are accurately recorded and invoiced to clients, and if

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calculator on top of a bill with someone holding a pen
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Best Practices in Collecting Accounts Receivable

Picture this: a new client retained the firm, timely work was performed, invoices were prepared and sent to the client and yet those invoices remain unpaid. Sound familiar? Many law firms have very high accounts receivable balances that are aged over 120 days and these high and aged invoices directly

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Woman sitting with a notepad in front of a laptop
Law Firm Operations

What Lateral Attorneys Should Consider Before They Move

When considering a lateral move to another firm, it is important for an attorney to make the appropriate inquiries into each potential firm. A thorough investigation into any potential new firm is necessary, now, more than ever as the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the practice of law. Remote work is

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woman giving a presentation regarding KPIs
Reporting & Analytics

How to Build a Better Law Firm KPI Dashboard

Law firm KPIs, or key performance indicators, are metrics used to evaluate specific goals and aspects of your firm’s success. By tracking KPIs, you obtain valuable data that provides insight into how your firm is functioning and whether your performance is meeting your expectations across specific areas.

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