Tag: Practice Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Email marketing for law firms
Law Firm Operations

A Law Firm’s Guide to Email Marketing and Nurture Sequences

Law firms should be continuously exploring innovative methods to reach out to potential clients while retaining their existing ones. One method is to use email marketing to nurture clients who’ve engaged with you but haven’t secured your services. Strategic (never spammy) email marketing can establish trust and authority while providing

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trust and IOLTA accounts
Billing, Payments & Accounting

When to Use Client Trust Accounts vs. IOLTA

The ethical management of client funds is a pivotal responsibility that falls on the shoulders of lawyers. Two key instruments that lawyers use to manage these funds are client trust accounts and Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTAs). 

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Law firm technology trends
Law Firm Operations

2024 Law Firm Technology Trends to Be Aware Of

Several legal technology trends are set to reshape how law firms operate. These trends, from artificial intelligence (AI) to remote depositions and digital reporting, promise to streamline operations, enhance service delivery, and even change the way we approach litigation.

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Attorney working in her client email management software
Matter Management

Generic Client Email Management Software Doesn’t Work for Law Firms

The legal industry is high-stakes and the pace is brisk. Efficiency and accuracy aren’t just desirable—they’re essential. From court filings to client communications, every aspect of a law firm’s operations must run like a well-oiled machine. And when it comes to email management, a crucial cog in this machine, generic

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law firm discussing automations they can implement into their practice
Law Firm Operations

Examples of Automated Legal Workflows for Law Firm Efficiency 

The automation of legal workflows has become a game-changer for law offices. In fact, 23% of a lawyer’s work and 69% of a paralegal/legal assistant’s work has the potential to be automated. By leveraging legal workflow automation to optimize operations, law offices can unlock a host of benefits that enhance

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legal office discussing
Matter Management

What Law Firm Technology Do You Really Need?

Law firm technology can be…overwhelming. It’s hard to know just what capabilities your firm needs versus ones that aren’t high priority. Let’s break down the features of law firm technology and highlight the essentials that can revolutionize your practice.

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CARET Legal in 2023
Law Firm Operations

2023 Roundup for CARET Legal 

As we look forward to what the new year brings, we also want to take a moment to reflect on how 2023 has gotten us to where we are today. 2023 was a year of significant enhancements with everything from our elevated new brand, CARET Legal, to the growth and

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