Tag: Practice Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

attorney using legal matter management software
Matter Management

Law Firm Matter Management Best Practices

Law firm matter management is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity. For legal professionals, managing cases, documents, and deadlines with precision can mean the difference between success and setbacks. The right technology can revolutionize how firm operations are handled, making the choice of legal matter management software a critical

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litigation law firm using software
Law Firm Operations

Litigation Management Software for the Growing Firm

Litigation management software is a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of a litigation firm. Whether you’re a civil practice or a criminal defense firm, litigation management tools can streamline and organize discovery management, trial preparation, case strategy development, communication, and more. 

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lawyer using time management software
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Attorney Time Management Tips for Peak Productivity

Deadlines, client meetings, court appearances, and the constant need for research and preparation can make it feel like there are never enough hours in the day. With caseloads increasing and client demands escalating, these attorney time management tips can be the difference between success and stress.

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law firm client intake
Law Firm Operations

How Client Intake Software Reduces Admin Time

Every minute spent on administrative tasks is a minute less spent on case preparation, client consultation, or courtroom representation. This is why law firms are always on the lookout for ways to streamline their operations — client intake being one of the most frequent. Integrating client intake software into your firm’s

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Client relationship management
Client Engagement

Enhancing Trust Through Law Firm Client Relationship Management

One stand-out factor that distinguishes a thriving law firm from an average one is trust. Trust is the bedrock upon which client relationships are built and sustained, influencing retention, referrals, and ultimately, the bottom line. But, how exactly do you go about building trust? The answer lies in bettering your

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successful law firm using legal practice management software
Law Firm Operations

What Makes a Law Firm Successful Today?

The definition of a successful law firm is no longer about simply winning cases. Today, setting yourself up for long-term success hinges upon technological adaptation, client satisfaction, and efficient operations. Do a quick self-assessment against these parameters. How does your firm measure up? 

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