Tag: Legal Billing

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successful law firm growth
Law Firm Operations

How to Make Taking Retainer Payments Easy

CARET Legal now makes taking retainer payments easier than ever with retainer payment links. This feature increases your firm’s cashflow by simplifying client payment interactions and getting you paid faster, and it saves the firm time with a more simple and more secure billing process. 

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Legal administrator offering law firm management tips
Law Firm Operations

Essential Law Firm Management Tips for Thriving Practices

Effective law firm management is the backbone of any successful law firm. It’s the force that propels operations, client satisfaction, and, ultimately, business growth. When management practices are refined and implemented wisely, they yield a well-oiled legal services machine capable of overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities. Here are our favorite

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legal docketing software
Law Firm Operations

Legal Docketing Software or Practice Management System?

As you vet technology to improve your firm’s operations, you might have wondered whether you should invest in legal docketing software or a more comprehensive practice management system. While we advocate for a more robust system, it’s important to understand docketing software features, so you can make sure the legal

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attorney using legal matter management software
Matter Management

Law Firm Matter Management Best Practices

Law firm matter management is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity. For legal professionals, managing cases, documents, and deadlines with precision can mean the difference between success and setbacks. The right technology can revolutionize how firm operations are handled, making the choice of legal matter management software a critical

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lawyer using time management software
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Attorney Time Management Tips for Peak Productivity

Deadlines, client meetings, court appearances, and the constant need for research and preparation can make it feel like there are never enough hours in the day. With caseloads increasing and client demands escalating, these attorney time management tips can be the difference between success and stress.

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Law firm working with their legal case management system
Matter Management

The Best Legal Case Management Software Features

If you’re not already leveraging legal case management software in your practice, what’s stopping you? Case management systems are the cornerstone of better client management, enhanced efficiency and productivity, robust accountability, and comprehensive audit trails. With a centralized location, managing your legal cases becomes a breeze, allowing you to focus

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law firm financial reporting
Reporting & Analytics

Streamlining Law Firm Financial Reporting for Easy Accounting

You know that feeling when you’re working on a jigsaw puzzle and can’t find the one piece you actually need? That’s how law firm financial reporting can feel at times. Between handling intricacies like client trust accounting, making sense of diverse compensation models, and breaking down the profitability of cases,

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