Tag: Legal Billing

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Attorneys discussing law firm chart of accounts and general ledger reports
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Law Firm Chart of Accounts and General Ledgers Made Easy

Managing a law firm chart of accounts and general ledgers involves numerous transactions, strict regulatory requirements, detailed reconciliation needs, and accurate financial reporting. However, the process doesn’t have to be as complex as it often seems. Let’s take a look at some practical advice and strategies to simplify the creation

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trust and IOLTA accounts
Billing, Payments & Accounting

When to Use Client Trust Accounts vs. IOLTA

The ethical management of client funds is a pivotal responsibility that falls on the shoulders of lawyers. Two key instruments that lawyers use to manage these funds are client trust accounts and Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTAs). 

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legal office discussing
Matter Management

What Law Firm Technology Do You Really Need?

Law firm technology can be…overwhelming. It’s hard to know just what capabilities your firm needs versus ones that aren’t high priority. Let’s break down the features of law firm technology and highlight the essentials that can revolutionize your practice.

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law firm organization
Law Firm Operations

The Best Organization Tools for Lawyers 

Picture yourself walking into your office on a Monday morning. Your desk is stacked with case files, your email inbox is overflowing, and your calendar is filled with meetings, court dates, and deadlines. For most lawyers, this isn’t just a hectic day; it’s every day. But what if you could

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lawyer ensuring accurate legal billing
Law Firm Operations

How to Ensure Accurate Legal Billing at Your Firm

Accurate billing is intertwined with your firm’s profitability, the trust you build with clients, the ethical standards you uphold, and the efficiency of your resources. Missteps in billing can ignite disputes, dent your revenue, tarnish your firm’s reputation, and hinder effective resource management. 

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