Tag: Case Management

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Clock image overlapping someone on the computer billing for time
Law Firm Operations

How To Increase Billable Hours

There are only so many hours in a day and a finite period of time to work. Therefore, the questions remain: How can billable hours and productivity be increased? How can a timekeeper increase productivity? How can a timekeeper feel more confident about the billable time recorded?

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Three way reconciliation report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Three-Way Trust Reconciliation Explained

Whether your state calls it an “IOLTA account” or an “ILTA account,” attorneys are responsible for any trust/escrow/IOLTA funds. Most bar associations require a three-way reconciliation of the IOLTA account. Depending on the software you use for managing your firm’s trust funds, this could be as simple as pressing a

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Attorney on his laptop using secure legal practice management software
Law Firm Operations

Security Key to Attract and Retain Clients

Due to current events, remote work has now become routine. In this new environment, many law firms have not adequately considered how to attract and retain their clients. One issue that should be of concern to every practice is cybersecurity—law firms are second only to financial institutions in being targeted

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Attorney walking up the Supreme Court building stairs
Law Firm Operations

Attorney Turnover in the Current Environment

In these uncertain times, attorney turnover has become more problematic. It is now more important, therefore, for law firms to provide a stable environment to retain their lawyers. It’s equally important to establish a good onboarding experience for new lawyers joining the firm.

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CARET Legal's document automation on computer screen
Law Firm Operations

Document Assembly Made Efficient

Do you often draft the same type of document for different clients? Do you try to use the same one as a base? Remember the last time you had to draft a document? What steps did you take?

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Team members discussing how to upgrade their firm's technology
Matter Management

Investing in Major Technological Upgrades

Law firms throughout the world are currently operating in unprecedented times due to COVID-19. In response, many firms have found ways to become innovative and flexible. One of the biggest adjustments for law firms has been learning to work remotely and support hybrid teams. Working remotely is not new, but

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