Tag: Case Management

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Law Firm Operations

A Modern Guide to Effective Law Firm Management

Your practice is a professional services organization, but it’s also a business. Contemporary law office management comprises all the business processes that keep the firm operating, including marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, policies, procedures, and workflow management.

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Person at a desk scrolling on laptop while holding a cell phone in left hand
Law Firm Operations

How Best To Communicate in Today’s Environment

Communication with clients and prospective clients has always been very important. Due to the current climate, it is even now more important to ensure that clients and potential new clients are receiving the communications that they want, in the format that they want, and when they want them. Proper communication

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People sitting at a conference lecture
Law Firm Operations

New Tools to Enhance Law Firm Efficiency

Every year, we look forward to heading to Chicago for ABA TECHSHOW to join fellow tech-enthusiasts for new product announcements, informative sessions and panel discussions, and networking with partners, colleagues and clients. Despite this year’s conference being held virtually, we are still excited to share a few of the over

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Two businessmen walking with coffee
Law Firm Operations

Successful Mentorship Programs in a Remote Environment

Global Workplace Analytics predicts that approximately 30 million U.S. employees will regularly work from home within the next two years, which is six times more than before the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work is now commonplace, and will remain so for quite some time. With the increase in employees working remotely,

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