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man writing down notes
Law Firm Operations

Best Practices When Starting a Law Firm

When considering starting a boutique law firm, there are many issues that need to be addressed prior to the first day of business. For instance, if a lawyer is leaving another firm, it is critical that the lawyer read any documentation or current firm policies regarding clients and transferring data.

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man at laptop with papers in one hand
Reporting & Analytics

CARET Legal Feature Spotlight: Effective Rates Report

Measuring the productivity and profitability of your timekeepers is rarely straightforward. There is, of course, the hourly rate and total billable hours for any given matter, but that fails to look at all the different variables: differing rates by matter or client and time spent on the matter that can’t

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Calculations and receipts
Billing, Payments & Accounting

CARET Legal Feature Spotlight: LEDES Budgeting

Electronic, or LEDES billing is a necessary, and often dreaded, process at many law firms. Between enforcing timekeeping with the appropriate LEDES codes, generating invoices that are in alignment with the client’s requirements and successfully submitting these invoices to various clearinghouses, e-billing can be time-consuming and downright frustrating for the

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