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person working on their calculator
Law Firm Operations

Pricing Legal Services As Your Firm Grows and Expands

Since the beginning of the 21st century, law firm pricing has evolved significantly. Clients demanded alternatives to the billable hour, and firms responded by introducing new pricing models for their existing services, including fixed fee structures, capped fees, partial contingency arrangements and fixed monthly budgets, among others. Pricing firm services,

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woman on the phone
Law Firm Operations

Owning Your Paralegal Superpower

As you know all-too-well, the hallmark traits of a perfect paralegal are detail-oriented, organized, and efficient. On the days when your self-confidence is waning (we all have them), you may think that your semi-administrative role is designed only to serve and support. You may believe that you cannot play a

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colleagues shaking hands while others clap around them
Law Firm Operations

Building Significant Business Partner Relationships

It is critical for your business to align itself with competent and ethical business partners. Mediocre business partners can have a devastating impact on your firm. Every business partner, no matter the size or how often they are utilized, must be transparent, ethical, competent and communicative.

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woman working on her computer at home
Law Firm Operations

Equity Partner Profitability: Making Your Partnership Count

Your rise through the ranks no doubt aligns with your legal skills. Perhaps your expertise in a niche like bankruptcy results in high billable hours, or maybe you’re known for your stellar contract negotiation skills. Regardless of the reason, success now looks different as you join the ranks of the

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paralegals gathered together in a meeting
Law Firm Operations

How Paralegals Promote Productivity by Terminating Tedious Tasks

Just because you’re a few rungs from the top of your law firm’s ladder doesn’t mean that you cannot make a significant contribution. Outside of your ordinary course of duties, paralegals like you are often tasked with assisting legal leaders with special assignments, such as preparing preliminary research on making

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