Tag: Timekeeping

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Woman typing on a laptop with a mobile phone on the desk
Law Firm Operations

Are You Guilty of These Five Email Faux Pas?

Email is one of the most popular forms of communication in modern law firms. According to the American Bar Association’s 2019 Legal Technology Survey Report, 91% of respondents used email to communicate with clients. Despite its prevalence, many attorneys aren’t using the right systems or tools to efficiently manage the

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Clock image overlapping someone on the computer billing for time
Law Firm Operations

How To Increase Billable Hours

There are only so many hours in a day and a finite period of time to work. Therefore, the questions remain: How can billable hours and productivity be increased? How can a timekeeper increase productivity? How can a timekeeper feel more confident about the billable time recorded?

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employee videochatting with her team
Matter Management

Effective Collaboration in Today’s Law Practice

In the new normal since the Coronavirus, it is expected that 80% of lawyers and professionals will do some work via their smartphones. This statistic is indicative of a trend that we expect to continue for many years to come — the legal industry, like so many others, must embrace

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Migrating data into a law practice management platform
Law Firm Operations

Migrating to a New LPM: How Much Data Should You Move?

Congratulations! Your firm has decided to move to a new practice management, billing or accounting platform. You have gone through the analysis, made a selection, and now comes the big question – What data should be brought over to the new application?

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Lawyer recording her billable hours for the month
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Productivity and Profitability: Thinking Beyond the Billable Hour

How do you measure productivity and predict profitability?

With time-based billing, the simplest way is billable hours. How many hours can (and should) timekeepers work in a period of time and how many of the worked hours are billable? If we assume only two weeks of vacation per year and a

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Attorney on his mobile phone wearing his Apple Watch
Matter Management

Never Miss a Beat With CARET Legal’s Dedicated Apps

As a complete cloud-based solution, CARET Legal allows you to access your firm’s data from any device with internet access whether you’re in the office, courtroom or at home. Using CARET Legal’s native iOS and Android apps, you can keep track of upcoming meetings and appointments, retrieve contact information and

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