Tag: Timekeeping

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Three people sitting at computers with headsets on
Law Firm Operations

The Rise of Alternative Legal Service Providers

As the business of law continues to change, Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSP) are becoming a more integral part of the legal industry. Law firm clients continue to investigate the best solutions to suit their needs. In today’s competitive environment, it is important that all businesses use the most competent

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Stacks of papers being sorted on a desk next to a laptop and potted plant
Matter Management

Stuck in Neutral: Five Reasons Firms Fail to Scale

Has your firm’s growth stalled? Are you struggling to scale your operations or your team?

It’s often hard to pinpoint one reason why a firm seems to be stuck in neutral, cruising along but not accelerating. The cause is often a combination of things ranging from ineffective teams and poor

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woman on a conference call on her computer
Document Management

How to Foster Collaboration in Law Firms While Working Remotely

Knowing how to foster collaboration in law firms is critical for successfully managing your firm. Clients expect their attorneys to address increasingly complex issues that cross areas of expertise and jurisdictions. Continuing to adhere to monolithic models and approaches will result in frustrated and unsatisfied clients, and ultimately less revenue.

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Woman typing on a laptop with a mobile phone on the desk
Law Firm Operations

Are You Guilty of These Five Email Faux Pas?

Email is one of the most popular forms of communication in modern law firms. According to the American Bar Association’s 2019 Legal Technology Survey Report, 91% of respondents used email to communicate with clients. Despite its prevalence, many attorneys aren’t using the right systems or tools to efficiently manage the

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Clock image overlapping someone on the computer billing for time
Law Firm Operations

How To Increase Billable Hours

There are only so many hours in a day and a finite period of time to work. Therefore, the questions remain: How can billable hours and productivity be increased? How can a timekeeper increase productivity? How can a timekeeper feel more confident about the billable time recorded?

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