Tag: Practice Management

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appellate court
Law Firm Operations

Why Litigation Firms Need An Appellate Case Management System

Managing appellate cases can be an overwhelming task because of the unique complexities involved. Luckily there’s a solution that simplifies the process. An appellate case management system is a tool that can make a significant difference in a law firm’s operations, helping navigate these challenges effortlessly. Let’s explore these challenges

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Attorney working on an alternative to a billable hours chart
Billing, Payments & Accounting

The Best Alternative to Attorney Billable Hours Charts

In the legal profession, every minute counts. Traditionally, attorneys have relied on billable hours charts to account for their time. However, in today’s modern era, these methods are increasingly seen as outdated. As the industry evolves, there’s a growing need for a more efficient and accurate alternative to conventional billable

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Attorney working in a cloud-based law firm management software
Matter Management

Benefits of a Cloud-Based Law Firm Management Software

A top priority for law firms is to use technology for improving productivity, with 46% ranking it as a significant need to meet client demands. Cloud-based law firm management software provides law firms with numerous advantages, including streamlined operations, increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved communication between clients and internal

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Attorneys discussing law firm chart of accounts and general ledger reports
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Law Firm Chart of Accounts and General Ledgers Made Easy

Managing a law firm chart of accounts and general ledgers involves numerous transactions, strict regulatory requirements, detailed reconciliation needs, and accurate financial reporting. However, the process doesn’t have to be as complex as it often seems. Let’s take a look at some practical advice and strategies to simplify the creation

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Attorneys using legal trust accounting software
Billing, Payments & Accounting

The Top Legal Trust Accounting Software 

When it comes to managing legal trusts, accuracy is non-negotiable. Specialized legal trust accounting software provides a distinct edge with its automation capabilities. It’s essential to recognize the importance of legal trust accounting software and its reputation for precision, which solidifies its position as one of the most reliable tools

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Lawyer creating a case brief template
Document Management

How to Create Automatic Case Brief Templates

One of the most time-consuming tasks for legal professionals is creating case briefs. However, with the right tools and strategies, this process can be significantly streamlined. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through creating automatic case brief templates in practice management software, using CARET Legal’s features to provide context.

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