Tag: Practice Management

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Law Firm Operations

Using a Law Firm Business Plan to Align Yourself With Success

How and Why You Should Create a Law Firm Business Plan Whether you’re setting out on your own to start a new law firm, or you’re looking to improve the organization you’re already part of, treating your firm like an actual business is absolutely essential to its success. Compared to

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attorney client meeting
Law Firm Operations

3 Ways to Find Valuable Mentors at Every Stage of a Legal Career

“You need to find yourself a mentor,” is a phrase you as an attorney have heard at some point in your law career, and likely many times over. It’s something that’s often taught as an informal part of your law school curriculum, and repeated throughout a young lawyer’s budding career.

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ways to get more client referrals for your law firm
Law Firm Operations

5 Tips on Getting More Client Referrals for Your Law Firm

As much as marketing will improve your law firm’s ability to build clientele, nothing is as valuable to bringing in prequalified clients than a referral from an outside source. Whether this source is a former client, another attorney, or a close friend or family member, the benefits of sitting down

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Law Firm Operations

How Small Law Offices Can Compete With the Big Firms

One of the misconceptions typically maintained in both business and law is the idea that being smaller means you are unable to compete with larger organizations. While this might hold true in some respects, being a small firm does have its advantages, as you can often employ a few simple

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