Tag: Practice Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

legal technology adoption
Law Firm Operations

The Key to Legal Technology Adoption at Your Firm

The legal sector’s adoption of new technology has always been slow and conservative, for good reason. Attorneys have many considerations that other businesses do not have, such as privilege, compliance, confidentiality, and security. Training your firm’s employees on new technology is difficult to get right, but powerful when done correctly. 

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conflict checking
Law Firm Operations

How Legal Technology Can Double as Conflict Checking Software

One of the worst situations that can arise when onboarding new legal clients is making mistakes during a conflict check. These are serious situations that can carry a wide range of negative consequences for all involved, especially your client. The best way to deal with this type of scenario is

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woman on the phone
Law Firm Operations

Owning Your Paralegal Superpower

As you know all-too-well, the hallmark traits of a perfect paralegal are detail-oriented, organized, and efficient. On the days when your self-confidence is waning (we all have them), you may think that your semi-administrative role is designed only to serve and support. You may believe that you cannot play a

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