Tag: Practice Management

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Client using a specialized payment processing service provided by her law firm
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Benefits of Using a Specialized Attorney Payment Processing Service

With unique regulatory requirements, diverse billing models, and the need for precise financial management, law firms require a payment processing solution that’s tailored to their specific needs. A specialized attorney payment processing service, as opposed to a more generic solution, offers a host of benefits that go beyond mere transaction

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Group of lawyers discussing compliance within their firm
Matter Management

Law Firm Compliance Made Easy With a Practice Management System

Law firm compliance can be a burden to adhere to. But, legal practice management software (LPMS) goes a long way in alleviating some of the burden. It relieves you of the constant monitoring for regulatory changes, keeping your systems updated and ensuring that your firm is always in sync with

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Two legal professionals using legal practice management software
Law Firm Operations

Relentless Incrementalism: Navigating Technology’s Impact on Law Firms

Relentless incrementalism embodies the concept of making consistent, gradual advancements in technology, recognizing that rapid innovation without proper integration can lead to inefficiencies and unrealized potential. As Voltaire once noted, “perfect is the enemy of good,” and this sentiment resonates deeply in the realm of law firm technology adoption.   In

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attorney working with her referral
Law Firm Operations

Attorney Referral Fees for Law Firms: What’s Fair?

Referrals, and how much your attorney referral fees are, play a strategic role in increasing your law firm’s total profitability. Their importance extends beyond just expanding a firm’s clientele base, creating a ripple effect of benefits — from increasing the ROI of individual case types, to ensuring legal compliance and fostering

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lawyer and attorney discussing payment options
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Making Lawyer Payment Plans Work at Your Firm

Offering payment flexibility has become a paramount consideration for law firms. Clients increasingly demand options that align with their financial situations, and embracing attorney payment plans can be a strategic advantage.

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attorney deciding whether to use flat fee or hourly billing
Billing, Payments & Accounting

When to Use Flat Fee vs. Hourly Billing at Your Firm

The legal industry, in recent years, has witnessed a seismic shift towards the adoption of “flat fee billing”, an alternative to the traditional “hourly rate billing.” This trend has emerged in response to client demands for greater predictability and transparency in legal costs. T

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attorney working on law firm billing
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Law Firm Billing Rates: Are You Charging Enough?

Setting the right billing rates for your law firm is crucial for your success. It’s not just about being competitive; it’s also about ensuring profitability while considering market realities, such as prevailing rates, your firm’s reputation, and your clients’ ability to pay. In this blog, we’ll explore the key factors

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client accounting advisory
Law Firm Operations

AI and Law Firms Are a Great Combination

Law firms are known for being steeped in tradition and slow to adapt when it comes to modernizing. But while they still have all those great book-lined shelves, more and more legal practices are recognizing the value in the most modern innovation of them all—artificial intelligence, known to its friends

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