Tag: Document Automation

Stay up-to-date on all things legal technology, including practice management, payments, automation, and more.

Lawyers discussing how to integrate legal document automation software into their firm
Document Management

Getting Started with Law Firm Document Automation Software

Previously, the legal industry was believed to be one of the most labor-intensive professional services, caused by the sheer scale and volume of document generation and the frequent document updates required to maintain accuracy and compliance. The belief that only the most skilled and knowledgeable people in the firm were

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legal process outsourcing
Law Firm Operations

The Best Alternative to Legal Process Outsourcing

Law offices often face the challenge of balancing their workload with optimizing their resources, especially since the volume of cases is always subject to normal ebbs and flows. To address this, many law firms consider legal process outsourcing as a potential solution.

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Legal administrator offering law firm management tips
Law Firm Operations

Essential Law Firm Management Tips for Thriving Practices

Effective law firm management is the backbone of any successful law firm. It’s the force that propels operations, client satisfaction, and, ultimately, business growth. When management practices are refined and implemented wisely, they yield a well-oiled legal services machine capable of overcoming obstacles and seizing opportunities. Here are our favorite

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attorney creating a legal document
Document Management

How to Automate Legal Contract Creation at Your Firm

Automation not only accelerates the contract generation process but improves quality, ensuring that each contract is tailored to meet the nuances of every legal scenario. The pen-and-paper approach to contract drafting is quickly being replaced by automated legal contract creation, where contracts are crafted with unmatched speed, precision, and intelligence.

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legal docketing software
Law Firm Operations

Legal Docketing Software or Practice Management System?

As you vet technology to improve your firm’s operations, you might have wondered whether you should invest in legal docketing software or a more comprehensive practice management system. While we advocate for a more robust system, it’s important to understand docketing software features, so you can make sure the legal

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attorney and client interaction and engagement
Client Engagement

The Art of Client Engagement for Legal Professionals

Keeping up with the latest ways to connect with your clients is key to building strong and lasting growth. Many law firms are diving right in, moving away from the old-fashioned legal advice model to a more personalized experience. They’re focusing on understanding each client’s unique needs and situations. This

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litigation law firm using software
Law Firm Operations

Litigation Management Software for the Growing Firm

Litigation management software is a comprehensive solution for managing all aspects of a litigation firm. Whether you’re a civil practice or a criminal defense firm, litigation management tools can streamline and organize discovery management, trial preparation, case strategy development, communication, and more. 

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