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attorney following court deadlines
Law Firm Operations

The Trick for Missing Fewer Court Deadlines

For attorneys, missing a deadline is no laughing matter. Depending on the jurisdiction, rules and the judge, sanctions might be a stern admonishment by the judge, an order to pay some or all the attorneys’ fees incurred by the opposing party or, worst case, dismissal of a party’s lawsuit. If

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Castle that represents security
Law Firm Operations

Cybersecurity Mesh Defeats a Siege Mentality

A siege mentality has long pervaded attempts to secure IT networks, encrypt data, and control access to a law firm’s sensitive information. That thinking tracked along medieval concepts of securing a fortress using thicker walls, stronger gates, and deeper moats. If you remained inside the walls, then you were protected,

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law practice management software on a computer screen in a home office
Matter Management

How Cloud-Based Apps Prepare Firms for Hybrid Work

We, as professionals, have been working remotely for years, long before the pandemic. Attorneys and paralegals have been emailing work home to themselves forever – despite IT’s pleas to not do that (you know who you are). The hybrid work environment is not new. What is new, however, is the

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client accounting advisory
Law Firm Operations

AI and Law Firms Are a Great Combination

Law firms are known for being steeped in tradition and slow to adapt when it comes to modernizing. But while they still have all those great book-lined shelves, more and more legal practices are recognizing the value in the most modern innovation of them all—artificial intelligence, known to its friends

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