Category: Reporting & Analytics

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Lawyer recording her billable hours for the month
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Productivity and Profitability: Thinking Beyond the Billable Hour

How do you measure productivity and predict profitability?

With time-based billing, the simplest way is billable hours. How many hours can (and should) timekeepers work in a period of time and how many of the worked hours are billable? If we assume only two weeks of vacation per year and

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Three coworkers working on the firm's trust accounting
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Trust Accounting Software 101

It’s important to keep bar association regulations in mind and ultimately choose a platform that will make compliance efforts more efficient. All law firms are required to maintain accounting records for client funds deposited in trust accounts. Finding the right software solution to assist with the necessary record-keeping for those

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Person writing out a check
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Minimizing Write-Offs and Maximizing Profits

Law firms cannot escape uncollectible fees and unrecoverable costs. Fees and disbursements that are not paid by a client have a direct effect on the firm’s profitability. Most service industries report income based on the cash method of accounting. As a result, income is recorded only when received. The only

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Individuals walking through a conference
Billing, Payments & Accounting

Our Vision Has Never Been Clearer

This week, our team is heading to Chicago for ABA TECHSHOW. Every year, we look forward to this event: tech-loving legal professionals, interesting sessions, and countless product announcements, all make for a wonderful three days. This year is even more special, it’s CARET Legal’s fifth anniversary! That’s right, we officially

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work from home essentials such as a computer, phone, cup of coffee
Matter Management

Work-From-Home Tech Essentials

During our recent ALA webcast, The Flexible Law Firm: Is your practice ready to embrace a work from home program?, there were dozens of questions around technology solutions required for successful implementation of a work-from-home program. You need the right devices, the right processes and the right software that enforce

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group of people at a meeting looking at charts and metrics
Law Firm Operations

The New Business Development Mantra That All Law Firms Should Live By

“A-B-C. A, always; B, be; C, closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!”

Made popular by Alec Baldwin’s character in “Glengarry Glen Ross,” it’s a line that’s all too familiar to salespeople and rainmakers. With greater access to data, however, there’s a new mantra that should be leveraged by all

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Team working together in a group meeting
Matter Management

Transform Your Practice by Becoming a Deming Disciple

The practice of law is complicated. A single case can involve multiple attorneys, dozens of files and hundreds of interactions among a law firm, clients, opposing counsel and courts. Given the vast scope of moving parts and operations of a legal matter, it is ripe for business process optimization.

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businessman stacking blocks on top of eachother
Law Firm Operations

Building Better Client Relationships with a Trust Accounting System

Does your firm rely on a bookkeeping service to manage your books? Have you experienced data syncing issues or do you have concerns that your provider doesn’t have sufficient experience to manage your books in compliance with your state bar’s client trust (IOLTA) rules and regulations? If so, then it’s

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Work in progress report in CARET Legal
Reporting & Analytics

Work in Progress – is it worth it, now you know…

There are so many benefits to keeping track of your time: efficiency, organization, and responsibility. Once you figure out where specifically you are spending your time, you can then determine where improvements in your time management need to be made. Budgeting your time and allotting more time for higher priority

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