Does this sound familiar? You’ve just returned from a conference or other networking event and you have a pile of new business cards to go through. You get started following up with people (which is, as you know, the most important part of networking) only to realize that you have no idea who half the people are. This scenario played out enough times in the life of Fred Cohen, the CEO and Architect of CARET Legal, that he decided to do something about it when he developed the CARET Legal mobile app.
CARET Legal’s native iOS and Android apps have a handy feature that let you scan a business card and automagically import all the information. But instead of sending the info to your phone’s contact list or to some shady third party server, the CARET Legal app imports the info directly into CARET Legal so you can securely access the information from your mobile device or desktop any time, any place.

The CARET Legal contact capture feature doesn’t just import contact info though. You can also add notes about your new contact before you forget who they are and why you want to connect with them. That way, when you are doing your all-important follow-up work, you’ll have something more substantive to say than “Hi, we met at TECHSHOW. I’d like to add you to my network.”
Better yet, take their picture and their smiling face will be captured in your contacts forever. Now you’ve accomplished two goals. You won’t forget them and they won’t forget you. You’ll be the one who showed them that cool app.
The contact capture feature is just one of the highlights of our native CARET Legal mobile app. If you already are a CARET Legalficionado, try it out at your next networking event. And if you’re coming to ABA TECHSHOW (a prime networking opportunity), want to learn more about CARET Legal or just want to meet us in person, stop by and say hello. We’ll be at Booth Nos. 619, 621, 623.